Good communication is essential in achieving targets and maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of a Company
Employers who invest time and energy into delivering clear lines of communication will rapidly build trust amongst employees, leading to increases in productivity, output and morale in general.
Poor communication in the workplace will inevitably lead to unmotivated staff that may begin to question their own confidence in their abilities and inevitably in the Company.
There are a number of areas where Companies can improve and enhance their communication:
Goal definition and expectations – Managers need to deliver clear, achievable goals to both teams and individuals, outlining exactly what is required and ensuring that all staff are aware of the objectives of the department and the Company as a whole.
Clearly delivery of the message – Ensure your message is clear and accessible to your intended audience. To do this it is essential that you speak plainly and politely – getting your message across clearly without causing confusion or offence.
Type of Communication – Once you have created your message you need to ensure it’s delivered in the best possible format. While face to face communication is by far the best way to build trust with employees, it is not always an option. Take time to decide whether information delivered in a printed copy would work better than an email or a general memo.
Keep everyone involved – Ensure that lines of communication are kept open at all times. Actively seek and encourage progress reports and project updates. This is particularly important when dealing with remote staff.
Listen and show empathy – Communication is a two way process and no company or individual will survive long if it doesn’t listen and encourage dialogue with the other party. Listening shows respect and allows you to learn of any outstanding issues you may need to address as an employer.