Thinking of the new year ahead, have you developed a business plan or updated an existing one so that you have a key focus for 2021.
If not, now is a great opportunity to firm it up.
As a reminder the following should be included:
An overview of the business – What does it do and what makes it different.
Goals – What does the business want to achieve.
The audience, ideal client and the market.
Products and pricing – What will the business be selling and how will the prices be set.
Who is involved – People’s roles, experience and passions.
Financials – Provide details about sales, costs, break event points and where investment, if required will come from.
Some business plans will also include other sections, like a SWOT analysis or a full marketing plan.
The other thing to consider is the people elements – how are your team going to support the business plan.
So do you have a business plan in place – let me know in the comments.