Performance Management
If you want to move your business forward, you need to ensure your staff are performing to the best of their abilities. If you don’t measure performance, then you have no way of knowing where you need to focus your attention, such as on improving business processes or identifying training needs.
Performance management is a process that ensures employees’ performance contributes to business objectives. It brings together many elements of good people management practice, including learning and development, measurement of performance and organisational development.
We work with you to develop a suitable performance management process, which is beneficial to your employees and the business. We also train managers on application and support you with rolling it out to staff, so there is a clear, consistent approach.
Redundancy Management
Redundancy can be a very difficult experience for employees, which requires sensitive handling and a thorough grasp of the legislation. All other avenues should be explored first, and employers must follow the correct procedures with a full understanding of their obligations and employees’ rights.
Heartbeat HR provides full support throughout this process to ensure redundancy is carried out sensitively and in line with complex legislation, while helping to maintain productivity and morale in the workplace.
Employee Relations
Happy employees are more productive, so it makes sense to ensure you manage those relationships well. Gone are the days of the one-size-fits-all approach of industrial relations; it’s now recognised that employers should take a more individualised approach to their staff.
We support you to develop a clear approach to employee relations – covering a range of issues from working conditions and benefits, to flexible working, rewards and recognition. We help you to put the foundations in place, communicate effectively to staff and resolve any issues as quickly and effectively as possible.
Employment Law
Keeping up with complex employment law and making the relevant changes can be a challenge for businesses, and a drain on resources. However, it is essential that business owners and managers not only understand their role within the context of the law but also know how to meet the requirements.
Heartbeat HR has extensive knowledge of employment law and we constantly keep up to date with changes which affect businesses, so you have peace of mind that you are meeting your obligations. As well as working with clients to provide bespoke advice, we produce newsletters and other communications to keep you up to speed with the latest changes.
Although there has been a decline in employment claims in recent years it has become increasingly important that HR takes on a role of mediator between the company and employee to resolve issues.
We offer a mediation service for formal or informal disputes, acting as an impartial contributor to resolve issues swiftly and amicably, preventing problems from escalating which can reduce costs and maintain morale.